Friday, January 30, 2015

Wait, re-wind: My Mom is Awesome

 My mom is awesome. I mean, I don't want you to thing I am like a really sassy girl who isn't thinking about any thing but anger. My mom is really cool in fact, she just won me on the foozball  table. The purpose of this blog is to remind myself when I,m a mom I can remember things from a kid's perspective. so without further do I am going to list five things I like about my mom:
1. She is really willing to serve the lord when ever she fells like it is the right thing to do
2. She has a deep testimony and is not afraid to share that with her peers
3. She knows us individually and know who we are
4. She ALWAYS apologizes whenever she does wrong ( or maybe whenever we go off crying and she doesn't even know what she has to do with it
5. My mom loves my dad and is a great roll model. Showing a great example of a perfect relationship with my dad

But since I have to stop myself from going on and on and on, I am  going to sign off


Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hi!  Welcome to faults of my Mom. OK, so one day, in December a couple days after we had chopped down a Christmas tree, my mom decided it was about time to put the ornaments on the tree. We were all very exited but as we reached for the ornaments to put on the tree, Mom caught us and said, "wait, we have to put the ornaments on one at a time! so we can enjoy each one at a time!"  I tried to protest but of course she didn't listen and so -Clearly VERY frustrated- I ran up to my room with a few pieces of paper, a stapler and a green sharpie marker found on my mom's desk.  I stapled the pieces and came out with this:

Displaying IMG_5162.JPG

This is what it said:

"1 Christmas season Chapter one:
Decorating Christmas tree:
The thing that makes me most mad is when my mom TRIES to make a happy peaceful setting in our house.  for example: we were decorating our Christmas tree and mom takes out one at a time, talking about each one as if it were really the most pretty, beautiful or interesting thing in the world. 


MOM: This ornament I bought at Market Basket because I felt like it 
MOM: This is another nylon reindeer we had on our tree when I was little. (weird!!)
in a HOME just 
you can't make 
That is the thing I try to explain to my mom. I mean, thinking back, "organized moments" mom tried to make never worked.  Kids didn't want to take pictures, we argued stuff like that. The only way to make Moments memorable is to not make your self happy. Also CRUSH the plans that you might have make and trust them,  play along with you kids it will make the moments last any way.

Sighing off 
(I mean that)


That is was my first post I posted in my book and I hope to type
all of these things and post them here.